The Labor Day weekend is here and with it, the unofficial end of summer. But what is the true intent of the Labor Day celebration? We celebrate it to honor and recognize the hard work and great contributions of the American laborer to the development and achievements of the United States.

Can we truly celebrate it this year?

Before the unconstitutional mandates that destroyed businesses and family relationships, we enjoyed picnics and family outings on Labor Day weekend, and our children could return to school, learning the same work ethic and civic principles that made this country prosper.

This is no longer the case. Today, we must protect our children against pervasive indoctrination into false and dangerous ideologies. We do not want to end up like those countries who suffer under the yoke of totalitarian “leaders” promising Utopian results that never come true.

The destruction of the family, turning children against their parents, and tearing siblings apart with oppressive policies under the guise of “safety” and “equality,” is a classic strategy of would-be dictators. Are you experiencing, among your family and friends, the results of the brainwashing the young are being subjected to in their “education”?

Looking at our own county, do criminals have more rights than non-criminals? Do bad actors who masquerade as “homeless” force businesses to close early to minimize shoplifting? Are businesses permanently closing because employees are being paid to stay home and NOT work? Are employees being terminated for reasons having nothing to do with their competency? Clearly, we are a far cry from the ethics of Labor Day. We are being pushed into a society where individual liberties and creativity are subjugated to an intolerant pursuit of dubious promises of safety and equality. Do you want to live in such a society? I DON’T!

I am running for District 5 Bernalillo County Commissioner because I DO NOT CONSENT to this destructive path. If you vote me in as County Commissioner, I will be a strong line of defense against violation of your Constitutional rights. Anyone who does not vote is giving consent to the destructive agenda now in the works. Please vote and encourage your like-minded friends to vote.

LET FREEDOM RING this Labor Day as we go into election season.

Early voting starts Tuesday, October 11.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8.